Getting Started with Kicad

KiCad logo


In this post we will discover the KiCad tutorial by Contextual Electronics.

The Setting Up the Environment

Download the open-source, free to use KiCad application from the official website, for your preferred OS:

Get to the Tutorial

The tutorial is available at:

Milestones from Tutorial

1. Create a Project

KiCad project

2. Create a Schematic

KiCad project

3. Create a Schematic Library

KiCad project

4. Create a Layout

KiCad project

5. Create a Footprint Library

KiCad project

6. Your First PCB!

KiCad project

Getting Into Production

You can get your designed PCB produced for as low as 7$, including shipment! Simply generate the Gerber and Drill files and upload them to your favorite PCB maker. JLCPCB is a good place to start:

KiCad project


Project Source File

Thanks for reading, and see you next time!

Written on December 25, 2021